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460MMBS Modbus RTU to BACnet/IP Converter, Kessler-Ellis
Short Description
Model No.: 460MMBS
Brand.: Kessler-Ellis
Clicks: 1634
China 460MMBS Modbus RTU to BACnet/IP Converter Manufacturer Honest offers Fully Compliant BACnet IP Server, Fully User Configurable Modbus RTU Master.
Keywords: Converter,

460MMBS Modbus RTU to BACnet/IP Converter, Kessler-Ellis Key Specifications / Features

Move Your Legacy Modbus RTU data to BACnet/IP Networks
Fully Compliant BACnet IP Server
Supports Up To 150 Analog Input and 150 Analog Output Properties
Supports Up to 1600 BACnet Binary Input and 1600 Binary Output Properties
Fully User Configurable Modbus RTU Master
Support for up to 31 Modbus RTU Devices
Up to 400 Modbus Registers per modbus Slave Device
Support for Function Code 3,4,6 and 16
Effortless Browser Based Configuration
10/100 BaseT Operation
Includes Ethernet Device Management Tool
No Programming Required

      The 460MMBS moves data between a group of Modbus RTU Slave devices and a BACnet/IP enabled Building Automation System (BAS). There are thousands of Modbus RTU sensors and actuators which are commonly used in building systems. These devices include temperature sensors, power meters, air handlers, drives, flow meters and other sensors of every type imaginable. 
      With the 460MMBS you have a device that you can quickly deploy and easily configure to access and integrate these devices into Building Automation Systems.

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